My Little Brother

by Christel Wiinblad. Translated by Malene Engelund

My Little Brother paints an unflinching portrait of schizophrenia and the devastating effects it can have on the sufferer and their family. Writing in response to her own brother’s attempted suicide, Wiinblad carefully confronts the brutality of the experience, recounting and deciphering the events leading up to it without ever veering into sensationalism.

The resulting sequence of poems and prose collapses time, structured thought and binary opposites to reveal, with absolute clarity and wonder, the figure of a young man. Written with searing honesty and precision, it is a celebration of the redemptive power of the written word and, at its core, a celebration of a life.


A Poetry Book Society Recommended Translation for Spring 2020.



Publication Date

February 2020


My Little Brother on the Valley Press website