Michael Bird

Fiction by Michael Bird has been published constantly over the last few years, most recently on urban witchcraft, ‘The New Client’, in Panel Magazine, (Budapest, 2023), on deranged fandom, ‘I Named Every Donut in My Shop After Scorsese Movies. No One Bought The Departed’, in Daily Drunk Mag (New Orleans, 2023), and on family politics during the pandemic, ‘A Drive Through the Park’, in Porter House Review (Austin, Texas, 2022). Mixed media ‘These Walls of Me’ was Winner of Second Prize on www.theshortstory.net (UK, 2018), and he has also been published by British journals and sites Lune, Grist, Storgy, Bandit Fiction, and in two anthologies of the annual Bristol Short Story Prize. In 2022, his body horror story about a McDonald’s mascot from the 80s, ‘Fry Girl 4 Eva’ (USA), was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. He also works as an investigative and narrative journalist, with features published on organised crime, stray dogs, vampire-hunters, killer home-made drugs, food emergencies, the war in Ukraine and organic farming.